大熊ジャクリーンによるスイスに関する公演 - Rokko Island Community Center - 六甲アイランドコミュニティーセンター...
April 2023
Abe Rábade Trío has been a stable group since the year they appeared in Boston (USA) in 1996. The band won the 2nd prize at the Getxo International Jazz Groups Competition in 2000....
マヌエル・フェルナンデスによる ファッションアート 「スペインから日本へ、そしてセビージャから神戸へ」 〜SDGsをたどる旅〜 A Journey through Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Fashion art by Manuel Fernández “From Spain to Japan” -from Sevilla to Kobe- ...
2022.1.4 - 1.31 中村功徳島県拝宮町生まれ。幼少期より地域伝統の「拝宮(はいぎゅう)和紙」づくりを父や職人から教わる。拝宮和紙を作る職人の数が減り始めたため、中村は故郷での和紙づくりに人生を捧げることを選ぶ。 Isao Nakamura was born in Kaminaka-cho, Haigyu in Tokushima prefecture on the island of Shikoku, one of Japan’s four main islands. His father and other craftsmen in Haigyu taught Nakamura the traditional techniques of washi throughout his youth. As the number of craftsmen able to create Haigyu washi began...
7 NOVEMBER 2021 第1部 13:30〜 第2部 15:00〜 Koichev Ivairo Marimba Piano Concert will be held at CORE KITAMACHI, a shopping mall in Kita-ku, Kobe 神戸市北区のショッピングモール「コアキタマチ」にてコイチェフ・イヴァイロ マリンバ ピアノ コンサート開催 音声をお楽しみください。 Ivaylo Koychev Ivaylo Koychev was born in Plovdiv, Bulgaria in 2001. He started playing marimba instrument at the National School for Music and...
Ivaylo Koychev Ivaylo Koychev was born in Plovdiv, Bulgaria in 2001. He started playing marimba instrument at the National School for Music and Dance when he is 6th years old in the class of Maestro Pencho Penchev. 2010 he moved to leave Japan. He graduated from the Hyogo...
Japanese Paper "Tradition and Future" - by Megumi Etoh and Isao Nakamura
和紙「伝統と未来」by 江藤恵・中村功
at Rokko-san Silence Resort in 2021
Opening 2021/4/15 ~ 4/25
Japan - November 22-25, 2018
Coordination by Jackie & Partners and Madrid associate office Garden Studios
Renowned director, composer and viol player Jordi Savall i Bernadet travelled to Japan with his music ensemble Hespèrion XXI for a 3 concert tour in Japan....