Promoting Art Today, Bridging Cultures of Tomorrow…
SHANGHAI SCULPTURE SPACE - SHANGHAI. Ballantine's "Leave an Impression" gala at the Shanghai Sculpture Space marked the introduction of Ballantine's Whiskey to China. It was Rafael Amargo's first time performing in China and he was the main performer that evening; his charisma and talent wowed the audience and was the highlight of the party. At the entrance to the Sculpture Space was an impressive glass display case where three beautiful flamenco dancers performed as the guests were walking into the venue. In an attempt to engage the audience and add an educational element, after Rafael danced with his team on stage he conducted a dance lesson where he taught the audience a few basic flamenco moves.
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Shanghai Sculpture Space - Shanghai, China 2008

Coordinator for Rafael Amargo: Jacqueline Okuma

Ballantine's "Leave an Impression" gala at the Shanghai Sculpture Space marked the introduction of Ballantine's Whiskey to China. It was Rafael Amargo's first time performing in China and he was the main performer that evening; his charisma and talent wowed the audience and was the highlight of the party. At the entrance to the Sculpture Space was an impressive glass display case where three beautiful flamenco dancers performed as the guests were walking into the venue. In an attempt to engage the audience and add an educational element, after Rafael danced with his team on stage he conducted a dance lesson where he taught the audience a few basic flamenco moves. 

Ballantine's Gala

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