Cecilie Okada, a pattern designer, illustrator, and graphic designer, represents her life journey in her work. A Norwegian by birth, Cecilie spent the early part of her adulthood setting up orphanages for disadvantaged children around the world. It is through these experiences that she manages to bring...
Tadakasu Kawakatsu is a Kyoto native who spent the first part of his career learning about fabric. Kyoto is the most prominent traditional kimono making area of Japan and Tadakazu spent years working in the industry. He witnessed the maintenance of tradition as well as adoption of modernity...
Justo Almendros has acquired a diverse range of professional and artistic assets through his education, as a graduate in both Fine Arts and Engineering, and by vocation as a photographer, sculptor and painter. He has established himself both professional and personally in Barcelona, Spain and Marrakech, Morocco...
Dedicated to making everything seem interesting, from still life to travel and celebrities, Eduardo has worked on a vast range of projects including tourism promotion in the US and Europe, but his passion lies in portraits, to which he has culminated 20 years of experience. Eduardo’s professional life...
Hiroaki Sakagami is a legend in his own right. He was born of a prominent family in Kobe, Japan then spent many years of his youth in Paris and traveling around Europe. His originality and elegance manifests in every aspect of his life, and he is greatly...
Norberto’s musical flavour has taken him to Italy where he collaborated with composers like Concezio Bassani, Gary Unwin, Dora Vuolo; to Spain where he appeared in commercials, TV programs, and films; and enabled him to participate in international music festivals. The work he has done in Argentina, his...
Megumi Koyama and Shusaku make up the GoDFaMily duo. Together, they simultaneously stimulate our eyes and ears and usher us into their world. Their vast repertoire includes a combination of classical, IEM (Intelligent Electronic Music), IDM (Intelligent Dance Music), and abstract music as well as installation and...
Jordi Palomares studied at the “Conservatori Superior Municipal de Música” of Barcelona, where he obtained the highest qualification: the first prize of virtuosity in 1986. Continuing his studies he moved to the United States with a scholarship from the “Hartt School of Music” (University of Hartford-Connecticut), under...
Mariano is a fascinating multidisciplinary artist. He is a painter, designer, and muralist; he obtained his Bachelor of Arts from Universidad Complutense in Madrid; he studied engraving and printing at Espinosa de los Monteros in Segovia, Spain; cinematography at Universidad de Valladolid; and glass painting at the National Center...